Vikidia:La cabanya

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Aquest és el lloc de trobada i discussió general entre els usuaris de Vikidia. Aquí pots parlar, discutir o fer propostes per millorar Vikidia! Per obrir un nou apartat, feu clic al següent botó:

Deixa un missatge!

Atenció! Si vols demanar alguna cosa als administradors, vés a la pàgina Vikidia:Petició als administradors. Si vols canviar el teu nom d'usuari o comprovar un usuari, vés a la pàgina Vikidia:Petició als buròcrates. Si creus que una pàgina s'hauria d'esborrar, demana-ho a Vikidia:Petició d'esborrar.

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2015 · 2016 · 2017-2021

Spam[modifica | modifica el codi]

He afegit una trentena de pàgines a Categoria:Pàgines marcades per esborrament ràpid. Algú les podria esborrar? --FogueraC (discussió) 20:32, 4 des 2021 (CET)

Bona tarda, FogueraC. Moltes gràcies pel missatge. Un error tècnic amb el programari va impedir que els administradors suprimissin aquests articles. Els nostres gestors del sistema han reparat aquest error i ara la categoria ja no té articles. Demano disculpes pel retard en eliminar aquestes pàgines. Cordialment, Dane|Geld 19:46, 22 gen 2022 (CET)

Join the Vikidia Association to vote and candidate![modifica | modifica el codi]

(translate from the message on vikidia in french)

Hello everyone.

We are gradually approaching the end of 2022, and therefore the next deadlines in the Vikidia Association: everything related to general meetings.

It is mainly the moment when the members elect the future administrators of the association, and when they vote on the moral and financial reports (i.e. the report of what has been done by the association on the year, and how the money was handled).

To be able to vote, or to be a candidate, you must be a member of the association, and be up to date with your contributions at least one month before the date of the Assembly. Everything happens on Galette (

If you have any problem with the procedure to join you can contact me by email: mg3[at] Know that whatever your age, you can join the association.

The dates will be communicated later, but I publish this message so that you can get ahead and thus be sure to be able to vote well. If you are not a member, you will not be able to vote or apply but you will have the opportunity to follow the GA as well as to express yourself there.

We are counting on you all!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Galdrad (discussió) 08:36, 19 oct 2022 (CEST)

Vikidia Upgrade : Testers needed[modifica | modifica el codi]

Hello, the new version of Vikidia is currently tested on (login: vikidia / password: vikidia on the popup). Your help would be appreciated to test this version and help us to identify bugs or unintended stuff.

How can I test ?[modifica | modifica el codi]

Login: you cannot login due to anonymization, please create a new account on the test server.

  • If you want to test with special rights (sysop, bureaucract) that you already have on this wiki, please ask in fr:Discussion_Vikidia:Tech/Upgrade1.39 (prefered in english or french, but you can write in any language you feel comfortable with).
  • If you find something abnormal, please tell in.
  • If you tested and everything was ok, please also tell what you have tested fr:Discussion_Vikidia:Tech/Upgrade1.39.

Please focus testing on personal gadgets and js code, or special extensions is appreciated.

Known limits of the test server[modifica | modifica el codi]

  • Test Server is slow to refresh data but after a few pages goes faster
  • DiscordNotification is not plugged
  • ReCaptcha is deactivated
  • Matomo stats are not plugged
  • 'oc' language is not testable but will be part of the upgrade
  • Email sending is not plugged
  • Data is old (March 2023)
  • Data is anonymized, meaning passwords and email were erased, then you cannot login nor retrieve password

Bugs found[modifica | modifica el codi]

  • (please add first in talk page with a procedure allowing sysadmins to reproduce)

Per the sysadmin team, Linedwell (discussió) 10:01, 27 jul 2023 (CEST)