Plantilla:Meta banner

De Vikidia
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This meta template can be used to harmonise banners. It is meant to build more specialised banner templates. It should not be used directly in articles.

Full syntax[modifica el codi]

{{Meta banner
 | backgroundColour= <!-- Colour of the banner background.  Examples: white ; #FFFFFF. See [[Help:Colours]]. Default: transparent. -->
 | borderColour    = <!-- Colour of the banner border. Examples: green ; #008000. See [[Help:Colours]]. Default: transparent. -->
 | textColour      = <!-- Colour of the banner text. Examples: purple ; #800080. See [[Help:Colours]]. -->
 | bannerStyle     = <!-- Additional CSS style for the banner -->
 | icon            = <!-- Name of the image to be used as icon for the banner (without "Image:" or "File:" prefix) -->
 | iconSize        = <!-- The size of the image, in pixels.  Example: 50 -->
 | iconAltText     = <!-- Alternate text for the icon image (will be used by screen readers etc.) -->
 | textUnderIcon   = <!-- Text to be displayed under the icon (keep it short!) -->
 | title           = <!-- Text of the banner title -->
 | titleStyle      = <!-- Additional CSS style for the banner title -->
 | date            = <!-- Date when the banner was put on the page.  Example: 22 February 2014 -->
 | text            = <!-- Banner text, displayed under the banner title -->
 | textStyle       = <!-- Additional CSS style for the banner text -->
 | rightContent    = <!-- Content to be displayed on the right side of the banner (could be some short text or a second image) -->
 | moreTitle       = <!-- Title of an expandable section at the end -->
 | moreContent     = <!-- Content of an expandable section at the end -->
 | moreTitleStyle  = <!-- Additional CSS style for the title of the expandable section -->
 | moreContentStyle= <!-- Additional CSS style for the content of the expandable section -->

For information on how to specify the colours, see Help:Colours.

Example[modifica el codi]

This code:

{{Meta banner
 | backgroundColour= #A277D7
 | borderColour    = #921496
 | icon            = VikidiaLogo50px.png
 | iconAltText     = Vikidia
 | title           = You are on [[Vikidia]].
 | text            = The encyclopedia for 8 to 13-years-old!

...produces this result: